We were already big nature photography enthusiasts when we visited a Frans Lanting exhibition in Los Angeles, but his body of work and perspective on nature blew our minds and opened our eyes. We became obsessed with nature from a pictural perspective; the colors, the shapes, the common patterns found in aerial or macro photography. When you start observing it not only as the fruit of science but as a work of art, you discover the work of the best and most prolific artist ever.
For years, we shot and gathered a ton of nature photography, spent countless hours on google earth, capturing abstract works of art with the intent of somehow using it. Eventually –as designers ourselves – we wanted to explore how this “most prolific artist” could be inspirational and helpful in our design process. The idea of building a tool, exclusively with nature images, and its respective color palettes was born. The concept grew into a blank canvas for designers which allows them to easily combine colors, typefaces and graphics in order to build foundations of visual identity. Mobile phones being the perfect vehicle for the project, we built it as a companion app for designers.